Friday, August 26, 2011

Strengthen yourself through Holy Bible

Why in this world there are still so many Christians who are afraid and worried of doing a task? The answer is because we are still not fully dependent on Christ and His Word. We have faith in Christ but this faith is weakened by the challenges we faced while doing tasks and by the constant questioning of our abilities when problems occur. In addition, it also makes the faith powerless. This power is the ability to stand by faith in Christ and the power to struggle to face the challenge. If we do not have this power, we become Christians without the ability to do something, in other words, a loser Christian. Do you want to become the loser Christian or the Christian with the power to do something?

If you want to become the Christian who is capable of performing a task, proceed to the next paragraph.

If you want to become a loser Christian, close and delete this. Do whatever you want. However, if you continue to be a loser Christian, you will be leading a meaningless life.

To those who want to be Christians, who are capable of doing tasks, refer to Ephesians 6:10. In this verse it writes “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.”

The verse above is one of the messages from God ultimatums through Apostles Paul. This is not only for the Ephesians church at that time, but also for all of us that live till the time of the end.

Who can help us to be strong in Christ? Is it our friends, our parents or maybe our neighbors? No. The answer is ourselves; we are the ones who can choose to become strong in Christ or no. Our friends, parents or neighbors can only give us support. In His words, they are filled with all the spiritual power of God. If we choose to make us strong through Him, we can overcome every challenge we face in life.

We all know who always make us stray away God. We do not have to mention it since everyone knows about it. The answer is obviously Satan. He keeps on trying to make us stay away from God by poisoning our minds using sly methods. Do you still remember how Satan tries to tempt Jesus and make Him fall into the sin? If you forget, open your bible and read Luke 4:1-13

In those verses, Jesus rebuked all the Satan’s ideas and opinions. Jesus always says “there is written”. It means that all the power Jesus has for all God’s children have already been written. It is important to have Word of God in a Christian life. Other than Word of God, we can also obtain the power of Jesus Christ which is only after the Holy Spirit come upon us and fill our lives (Acts 1:8)

Do you know what we, as the God Children, can do to rebuke all Satan’s sly methods? It can be found in the Ephesians 6:11 “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.”

When Apostles Paul wrote this verse, he imagined of one powerful Romans soldier wearing full war armors. This means that our defense is the entire God’s armor and not only some or half of the armor. We can’t say: “I just wear the shield only” or “I already have all the Holy Spirit power and that’s enough for me”; this is what a loser Christian will think of. When we are in the army, we must obey commands from our leader, Lord Jesus Christ. Do you think it is possible for a soldier to go to the war without any war armor? The answer is that it is impossible because the soldier will be attacked and killed. Likewise, if we as Children of God do not use any God’s armor, we will be easily attacked by Satan.

In reality, Satan does not have any power because nobody is more powerful than God. Thus, Satan can only try to influence us and once we open our life to welcome in Satan, our life will be complicated by him and till then, do not be baffled by your life. Satan is a faker, a liar and a father of the liars who makes us think that our relationship with God is good but at the same time, we are experiencing failures and nearing death.

Thus, it is important for us to surrender 100% of our lives to God, and together with Holy Spirit Guidance and Word of God which is used to guide our lives. We can then become Christ soldiers armed with full God armor who has a fear for God and also become powerful people in God’s authority. To face this life, we must have powerful faiths to make us strong and to end the battle with Satan. Also, because of the Christ in us, we are able to succeed in the tasks and things we do in life.

Nb: Become strong in God’s authority power.


Luke 10:27Lord Jesus Christ answered: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Menjadi Orang yang Bijaksana

Seorang yang BIJAKSANA:
1. Dipimpin oleh Tuhan dalam kasih bukan dengan keegoisan .
2. Berpikir panjang.
3. Memikirkan kepentingan orang lain lebih dari dirinya .
4. Sabar.

"dengan tidak mencari kepentingan sendiri atau puji-pujian yang sia-sia. Sebaliknya hendaklah dengan rendah hati yang seorang menganggap yang lain lebih utama dari pada dirinya sendiri; dan janganlah tiap-tiap orang hanya memperhatikan kepentingannya sendiri, tetapi kepentingan orang lain juga." (Filipi 2:3-4)

God bless u


Pdt Gilbert Lumoindong

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Jangan Menggengam Masalah Kamu

Ada teknik berburu monyet dihutan-hutan Afrika,Caranya begitu unik. memungkinkan sipemburu menangkap monyet dalam keadaan hidup-hidup tanpa cedera sedikitpun.

Cara menangkapnya sederhana saja. pemburu hanya menggunakan toples berleher panjang & sempit. Toples itu diisi kacang yg telah diberi aroma. Tujuannya, untuk  mengundang monyet-monyet dtg. Setelah diisi kacang, toples-toples itu ditanam dalam tanah dgn menyisakan mulut toples dibiarkan tanpa tutup. Para pemburu melakukannya disore hari. Besoknya, mereka tingal meringkus monyet-monyet yg tangannya terjebak di dalam botol tak bisa dikeluarkan.

Kok, bisa ?

Monyet-monyet itu tertarik pada aroma yg keluar dari setiap toples. Mereka mengamati lalu memasukkan tangan untuk mengambil kacang-kacang yg ada di dalam. Tapi karena menggenggam kacang, monyet-monyet itu tidak bisa menarik keluar tangannya. Selama mempertahankan kacang-kacang itu, selama itu pula mereka terjebak. Toples itu terlalu berat untuk diangkat. Jadi, monyet-monyet itu tidak akan dapat pergi ke mana-mana!

Mungkin kita akan tertawa melihat tingkah bodoh monyet-monyet itu. Tapi, tanpa sadar sebenamya kita mungkin sdg menertawakan diri sendiri. Ya, kadang kita bersikap seperti monyet-monyet itu. Kita mengenggam erat setiap permasalahan yg kita miliki layaknya monyet mengenggam kacang.

Kita sering menyimpan dendam, tak mudah memberi maaf, tak mudah mengampuni. Mulut mungkin berkata ikhlas, tapi bara amarah masih ada di dalam dada. Kita tak pernah bisa melepasnya.

Bahkan, kita bertindak begitu bodoh, membawa "toples-toples" itu ke mana pun kita pergi. Dgn beban berat itu, kita berusaha untuk terus berjalan. Tanpa sadar, kita sebenarnya sdg terperangkap penyakit kepahitan yg akut.

Sebenarnya monyet-monyet itu bisa selamat jika mau membuka genggaman tangannya. dan kita pun akan selamat dari sakit hati jika sebelum matahari terbenam kita mau melepas semua perasaan negatif terhadap siapapun.

Selamat membuka genggaman tangan...!

God bless you


Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Mamaku hanya punya 1 mata, Aku membencinya...
Dia memalukan bagi Aku.
Dia memasak di SMP tempat Aku sekolah utk biaya hidup kami.
Hari itu dia datang kekelas & menyapaku.
Aku sangat malu,
lalu mengacuhkannya & berlari pergi.

Keesokan harinya,
teman" mengejekku,
ingin rasanya Aku menghilang. Saat pulang,
Aku berteriak kepadanya: "Kalau Kau hanya ingin membuatku jd bahan tertawaan,
kenapa Kau tidak mati saja?!" Aku benar" marah saat itu.

Aku bertekad keluar dr rmh itu & tidak ingin berhubungan dgn dia sama sekali.
Aku belajar dgn semangat & akhirnya mendapat beasiswa belajar di Singapura.
Aku menikah, punya anak & bahagia dgn kehidupanku.

Sampai suatu hari,
Mama dtg ke Singapura utk menjenguk,
saat didepan pintu,
anak" ku melihat dia & ketakutan,
saat itu juga Aku berteriak: Beraninya kau dtg kerumahku, pergi dr sini, kau hanya menakuti anak!!.
Dia terkejut & menjawab: Maafkan Saya,
mungkin saya salah alamat.

Setahun kemudian,
dtglah undangan reuni SMP. Aku hadir.
Setelah itu, Aku sempat melihat 1 rmh dimana Aku tinggal saat itu.
Hanya ingin tahu & kata seorg tetangga Mama sdh lama meninggal.
Aku tdk meneteskan air mata. Tetanggaku memberikan surat yg Mama ingin Aku membacanya.

"Anakku tercinta,
Aku memikirkanmu setiap saat,
Maafkan Aku saat dtg ke Singapura & menakuti anak"mu & juga maafkan aku membuatmu malu didepan teman"mu dulu.
Semoga kamu mengerti.
Waktu kecil kamu mengalami kecelakaan & kehilangan 1 mata, sebagai Mama
Aku tdk sanggup melihatmu tumbuh dgn 1 mata,
jadi aku memberikan milikku. Aku bahagia karena anakku akan memperlihatkan seluruh dunia untukku dgn mata itu.

& seketika itu Aku menangis.

Pesan:Seorang Ibu selalu memberikan yg terbaik utk anaknya sekalipun dia berada diposisi yg paling terpuruk,
Ia akan slalu berkorban agar anaknya menjadi seseorang yg sukses utk kedepannya

I LOVE My Mom,
What about u...?


Al Kira

Friday, August 12, 2011

God Never Leave you alone

God never ever leave us even though we always far from God and leave God alone. But He still be faithful waiting for us to back for Him

God bless you


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

See How Holy Spirit Work So Wonderful.....

On Sunday (07 August 2011) at GBI(Gereja Bethel Indonesia) - Daan Mogot Estate Block LA 20, Cengkareng - West Jakarta

God work so awesome, They feel the Holy Spirit work so strong, awesome and wonderful. All people speak in tongue, speak other language. Got people who can't speak english, suddenly can speak english.

All of u can see how awesome the Holy Spirit work from them

God bless u


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How do you think about this awesome person?

IN A nursing home in Johor Baru, a 90-year-old woman waits patiently for a visit from her family. Her memory isn't the sharpest.

When asked if she has had visitors in the year since she moved into City Heart Care nursing home, she was silent.

The assistant admin manager of the home, known only as Ms Abi, shook her head in response to this reporter's question.

Madam Kong A W is one of 14 Singaporeans who live at the nursing home, said the owner of the home, Mr Jeremy Yeo.

Most enjoy visits from their families who live across the Causeway. The nursing home is a 30-minute drive from the Woodlands Checkpoint.

A typical nursing home in Singapore charges about $1,000 a month for each patient.

A check with four JB nursing homes indicated monthly fees ranging between $610 and $800 for a month's stay.

Mr Yeo, a Malaysian in his late fifties, claimed that Madam Kong's family stopped paying for her nursing home bills after her son died.

Said Ms Abi: "She (Madam Kong) has not asked about her family, and we have not told her. To her, we (the nurses and caregivers) are her family."

When The New Paper on Sunday visited the nursing home two weeks ago, Madam Kong was chattering incoherently to nurses in a mixture of Malay and Hokkien.



Old and alone in Johor Baru nursing home