Thursday, September 29, 2011

Masalah = Membuat kita kuat

Banyak orang berpikir kenapa hidup ini penuh dengan masalah?
Kenapa Tuhan menciptakan masalah buat dunia ini?
Apa Dia tidak sayang dengan manusia didunia sampai menciptakan masalah buat dunia ini?

Coba kita renungkan jika Tuhan yang kita kenal sebagai sesosok yang maha pengasih dan Dia yang menciptakan masalah itu
berarti Dia adalah sesosok yang jahat donk dan bukan sesosok yang maha pengasih
Apakah kamu setuju dengan saya?

Tapi jika mindset kamu berkata begitu, maka cepat ubah mindset itu sebelum terlambat
Karena harus diingat Tuhan tidak pernah menciptakan masalah buat kita semua

Jika bukan Tuhan yang ciptakan masalah, kenapa masalah itu bisa ada?
Masalah bukanlah Tuhan yang ciptakan, tapi Tuhan izinkan masalah itu ada.
Supaya dari masalahlah nama Tuhan dipermuliakan.

Mank ada hubungannya antara masalah dengan nama Tuhan dipermuliakan?
Ini ada berberapa point untuk membahas masalah diatas ini
1. Kenapa nama Tuhan dipermuliakan karena ketika kita menghadapi masalah, Tuhan akan setia dan selalu disamping kita buat melawan masalah kita
2. Kenapa nama Tuhan dipermuliakan karena ketika kita menghadapi masalah, kita akan mengandalkan Tuhan dan kita akan melihat Tuhan itu lebih besar dari masalah kita
3. Kenapa nama Tuhan dipermuliakan karena ketika kita menang dari masalah yang kita hadapi, orang lain akan melihat Tuhan di hidup kita

Tapi Manknya ada keuntungan buat kita dari masalah yang kita hadapi?
Jawabannya adalah "Ya", karena dari masalahlah hidup kita akan menjadi solid dan rohani kita akan menjadi bertumbuh dalam Tuhan ketika kita mengandalkan Tuhan dalam masalah kita.

Jangan Takut ketika kita menghadapi masalah karena Tuhan selalu bersama kita menghadapi masalah kita
Ayo mulai detik ini kita mulai berpikir dan tanamkan mindset ini di dalam hidup kita "Masalah Boleh datang menyerang saya, tapi saya akan tetap keluar menjadi seorang pemenang dan tidak akan mati karena masalah"

Tuhan Memberkati


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Love of God

The passage below tells us of how big the love of Christ for us is. The love of Christ itself is beyond any human’s imagination and once you understand it then you can do what is beyond your expectation. And that is what Paul wants us to know through what he has written, he want us to know how important to understand the love of Christ is.

Ephesians 3:14-19

“For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

The love of Christ is not a simple thing that you can understand it in an instance. Paul himself must kneel before the Lord and pray so that he can understand the love of Christ. This shows us that to understand the love of Christ it takes time and effort. The love of Christ is so big that you must come and pray before Him to know how big the love of Christ for you is and once you understand the love of Christ then you must grasp it so that you could know how wide and how deep the love of Christ is.

There are two things that He will do when the love of Christ is within us and you understand it well, which are:
1. Strengthen Your Inner Being

When the love of Christ is within you, He will strengthen our inner being because it dwells in our heart. Once your inner being is strengthened then He will lead you to do thing that is beyond your own imagination.
2. Give Impact to Other

By having the love of Christ live in you, you can give an impact to people surround you by sharing the love of Christ with each other. This way you may give an impact to the other party for example, I, myself, used to have a problem with my temper and I was unable to manage it. Once I was angry I would show my anger to whoever that annoyed me but because the love of Christ is living in me now, He enables me to manage my temper and teach me to forgive everyone who annoy me. It is not easy and I admit it. However, if I am able to do this through Christ who leads me, then He will lead you as well.

And how to accomplish this mission? In Ephesians 4:2 “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love”, God told us to be humble, patient and bearing with one another in love. This way you can apply the love of Christ that is within you. But how if you meet the limit of forgiving other people that has been hurting you? As what have been explained above, the love of Christ is not effortless and will need a long time for us to understand it. The time taken to understand it, is for us to learn and grow more in understanding the love of Christ and you will understand that the love of Christ also bring healing for your heart until you will not know the limit of forgiving other.


I believe each of us has experienced the love of Christ and it is living in each and every one of us. But let us together learn more to understand the love of Christ and grasp it with everything that we have so that we know how deep and how wide is the love of Christ for us. Without the love of Christ we might end up destroying ourselves and others.

Mighty Father in heaven, here I am Your child comes to You with a humble heart Lord. I want to use this opportunity to ask for an understanding of Your love, Jesus and grasp it with my everything. I want to learn how to be patient and bearing with one another in love. So, Jesus leas me and remind me always of deep and wide of your love. Thank You Lord, in your mighty name I prayed. Amen.

Ps. Jani Pritam

Jangan Menilai kepahlawanan dari Tanda Jasa

Jangan nilai kepahlawanan seseorang dari banyaknya tanda jasa,
melainkan dari perjuangan dan pengorbanannya sehingga dianggap layak mendapatkan tanda jasa tersebut.

Keep Winning!!!


Friday, September 16, 2011

Surat dari محمدصلى الله عليه وسلم(Muhammad SAW) Kepada Biarawan St. Catherine’s Monastery

Pada tahun 628 محمدصلى الله عليه وسلم (Nabi Muhammad SAW) mengeluarkan Piagam Anugerah kepada biarawan St. Catherine Monastery di Mt. Sinai. Berisi beberapa klausul yang melingkupi aspek-aspek hak asasi manusia termasuk perlindungan bagi umat Kristen, kebebasan beribadah dan bergerak, kebebasan untuk menunjuk hakim-hakim dan menjaga property mereka, pembebasan dari wajib militer, dan hak untuk dilindungi dalam perang.

Image of Patent from Prophet Muhammad to the Christians of St. Catherine’s Monastery, Mt. Sinai

Berikut ini terjemahan dalam bahasa Inggris atas dokumen tersebut:

“This is a message from Muhammad ibn Abdullah, as a covenant to those who adopt Christianity, near and far, we are with them.

Verily I, the servants, the helpers, and my followers defend them, because Christians are my citizens; and by Allah! I hold out against anything that displeases them.

No compulsion is to be on them.

Neither are their judges to be removed from their jobs nor their monks from their monasteries.

No one is to destroy a house of their religion, to damage it, or to carry anything from it to the Muslims’ houses.

Should anyone take any of these, he would spoil God’s covenant and disobey His Prophet. Verily, they are my allies and have my secure charter against all that they hate.

No one is to force them to travel or to oblige them to fight.

The Muslims are to fight for them.

If a female Christian is married to a Muslim, it is not to take place without her approval. She is not to be prevented from visiting her church to pray.

Their churches are to be respected. They are neither to be prevented from repairing them nor the sacredness of their covenants.

No one of the nation (Muslims) is to disobey the covenant till the Last Day (end of the world).”


Ini adalah pesan dari Muhammad ibn Abdullah, sebagai perjanjian bagi siapapun yang menganut Kekristenan, jauh dan dekat, bahwa kami mendukung mereka.

Sesungguhnya saya, para pelayan, para penolong, dan para pengikut saya membela mereka, karena orang-orang Kristen adalah penduduk saya; dan karena Allah! Saya bertahan melawan apapun yang tidak menyenangkan mereka.

Tidak ada paksaan yang dapat dikenakan pada mereka.

Sekalipun oleh para hakim-hakim mereka, maka akan dikeluarkan dari pekerjaan mereka maupun dari para biarawan-biarawan mereka, maka akan dikeluarkan dari biara mereka.

Tidak ada yang boleh menghancurkan rumah ibadah mereka, atau merusaknya, atau membawa apapun daripadanya ke rumah-rumah umat Islam.

Jika ada yang mengambil hal-hal tersebut,maka ia akan merusak perjanjian Allah dan tidak menaati Rasul-Nya. Sesungguhnya, mereka adalah sekutu saya dan mendapatkan piagam keamanan melawan apapun yang mereka benci.

Tidak ada yang dapat memaksa mereka untuk bepergian atau mengharuskan mereka untuk berperang.

Umat Islam wajib bertempur untuk mereka.

Jika ada perempuan Kristen menikahi pria Muslim, hal ini tidak dapat dilakukan tanpa persetujuan perempuan itu. Dia tidak dapat dilarang untuk mengunjungi gerejanya untuk berdoa.

Gereja-gereja mereka harus dihormati. Mereka tidak boleh dilarang memperbaikinya dan menjaga perjanjian-perjanjian sakral mereka.

Tidak ada dari antara bangsa (Muslim) yang boleh tidak mematuhi perjanjian ini hingga Hari Akhir (akhir dunia).

Pada tahun 1517, piagam asli diambil oleh Sultan Selim I dari Turki dan saat ini berada di Musium Topkapi di Istanbul, akan tetapi Sultan memberikan salinan atas piagam tersebut kepada para biarawan, dan melegalisir isi piagam tersebut.

Dari koleksi besar gulungan kuno dan modern yang diawetkan di perpustakaan biara, jelas bahwa Perjanjian Nabi, apakah asli maupun salinan, memberikan hak dan perlindungan bagi umat Kristen.



Hati Manusia = Pusat Kehidupan

"Jagalah hatimu dengan segala kewaspadaan, karena dari situlah terpancar kehidupan." (Amsal 4:23).

Hati adalah pusat kehidupan. Hati yg kotor akan menghasilkan hidup yg sembrono dan kotor. Hati yg bersih akan membuat hidup mjd lurus dan indah.
Jagalah hati dgn segala kewaspadaan biar terpancar kehidupan, krn jika tidak maka yg terpancar adalah kematian.

GBU and Keep Winning!!!


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hati Manusia = Kepribadian Manusia

"Seperti air mencerminkan wajah, demikianlah hati manusia mencerminkan manusia itu." (Amsal 27:19).

Hati kita seperti sebuah gudang dgn banyak kamar di dalamnya. Kita yg pegang kunci2 setiap kamar tsb.

Kamar2 tsb menyimpan banyak hal: kemarahan, kedukaan, keterikatan, rasa malu, kesombongan, hal2 yg kita tdk mau akui keberadaannya. Seberapa banyak kunci yg kita serahkan kpd Tuhan, sebanyak itulah kita dipulihkan dan diperbarui.

Ayo, buka hatimu biar Tuhan melawat dan memulihkan engkau seutuhnya.

GBU and Keep Winning!!!


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Selalu Andalkan Tuhan.....

"Jangan berharap pada manusia, sebab ia tidak lebih dari pada embusan nafas, dan sebagai apakah ia dapat dianggap?" (Yesaya 2:22).

Hampir dalam segalanya di dalam hidup ini segala keputusan bergantung kpd orang lain. Namun demikian, Tuhan mengajarkan kita utk tdk berharap kpd manusia melainkan benar2 menggantungkan hidup kita kpd Tuhan, dan memberikan syukur kita kpd Tuhan dan menghaturkan sembah hanya kepada-Nya, Tuhan penguasa langit dan bumi.
Dia lebih besar dari siapapun atau apapun.

GBU and Keep Winning.

Leo Immanuel

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Hidup yg kita hidupi hari ini bukanlah milik kita....

Hidup yg kita hidupi hari ini bukanlah milik kita, ia hanya dipercayakan kpd kita, dan suatu saat nanti sebuah pertanggunganjawab akan dimintakan kpd kita. Pada waktu itu kita akan tahu bhw hidup bukan mainan dan tdk bisa dibuat mainan.

"Bersukarialah, hai pemuda, dalam kemudaanmu, biarlah hatimu bersuka pada masa mudamu, dan turutilah keinginan hatimu dan pandangan matamu, tetapi ketahuilah bahwa karena segala hal ini Allah akan membawa engkau ke pengadilan!". (Pengkhotbah 11:9).

Ayo sebelum terlambat, jagalah hidup benar dan kudus, krn kesenangan sesaat tdk ada artinya dibandingkan dgn kekekalan.

GBU and Keep Winning!!!


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Untung Masih ada Tuhan!!!

17. Sekalipun pohon ara tidak berbunga, pohon anggur tidak berbuah hasil pohon zaitun mengecewakan, sekalipun ladang- ladang tidak menghasilkan bahan makanan, kambing domba terhalau dari kurungan, dan tidak ada lembu sapi dalam kandang
18. namun aku akan bersorak- sorak di dalam TUHAN, beria- ria di dalam Allah yang menyelamatkan aku.
Habakuk 3:17-18.

Sukacita di hati adalah sebuah pilihan yg kita buat.
Apakah hari2 ini Anda sedang berduka, krn kehilangan sesuatu atau seseorang? Ayo, jadikan Tuhan alasan kita utk bersukacita. Katakan: "Untung masih ada Tuhan!!!"

GBU and Keep Winning!!!

Leo Immanuel

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Book: Keep Winning

This is one of the recommended book. It is written in Indonesia language. This book is really blessed me and can change my life

This book talk about how we fight for our problem and it's 12 points that we have never learn in the school

If you interested, you can by at Indonesia's  Christian book store. The price is around Rp. 40000 (USD 4-5)


Menyikapi Penderitaan Menurut Firman Tuhan

Banyak yang bertanya kenapa manusia selalu mengalami penderitaan. Disini ada berberapa point yang membuktikan mengapa manusia itu menderita.
1. Manusia menderita karena "DOSA"==> Manusia terpisah dari hadirat Tuhan. Dosa menyebabkan bumi rusak, Lingkungan tidak sehat dan proses penuaan
2. Manusia menderita karena tingkah lakunya sendiri
3. Manusia menderita karena kuasa gelap
4. Manusia menderita karena keputusan yang salah

Tapi mengapa orang kristen atau anak anak Tuhan juga masih merasakan penderitaan? Bagaimana menyikapinya?
1. Menolak penderitaan demi nama Yesus jika itu dari kuasa gelap
2. Bertahan dalam penderitaan
==> Yakobus 1:2-4,12 -- Dalam hal ini Tuhan ingin agar karakter mulia muncul dari dalam kita.
3. Menemukan Tuhan dalam penderitaan (Kisah Ayub)
Sebagai anak anak Tuhan selain kita meminta doa agar dapat bertahan dalam penderitaan, Kita harus belajar menemukan Tuhan dalam penderitaan.

1 Petrus 4:14
-- Anugerah Tuhan untuk orang orang tertentu (Para Martir)

Teladan Yesus;
Yes 53:3 -- Tuhan tidak harus mati di Salib! Tapi Tuhan masuk dalam penderitaan tersebut
1 Petrus 2:24

Ps. Suwandoko PhD

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Introduction to the Gospels

First of all, what all of us need to do right now is to pray. Follow me:
Abba Father in heaven, praised high among all things, good (morning, afternoon, evening, etc.). Thank You for everything You have done for me today. I have received so much from You physically through the food I eat and the air that we breath and spiritually through all the commandments and revelations You have given to me. Thank You Jesus for dying on the cross for me. It’s the best gift I have ever had. Lord, I praise You as my King and Savior. Holy Spirit help me to pray as my words are limited. Lord as I am about to read this bible study, give me wisdom, understanding, and conviction from the Holy Spirit so that through this bible study, these words in Your Bible act as living words that change my life. I will receive new knowledge of You through Your words. I will view the Bible differently and Lord, I will never be the same ever again. Thank You for hearing my prayer Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Second of all, before we start on discussing the background of the Gospels, we must put in mind that the author of all these gospels is Holy Spirit. Without this in mind, these gospels would just be another book or another novel that explains fictions or just a book of righteousness and not a real history of a God that walked the earth, Jesus, and what He did on this earth.

Now, let’s start.

The Gospels as a Whole

The Gospels are all actually talking about the same Person i.e. Jesus. How they differ is just the perspective which they emphasize on. These emphases will be mentioned later on. There are two ways of approaching these gospels or any other parts of the Bible. First, we must view this as a variety emphasizing on different things. Second, we must consider the similarities between these gospels. If we just do on one of the mentioned, we will not be able to combine the differences and the similarities and make it into a whole picture. Again, the theme is different in each gospels and this doesn’t mean that one gospel is wrong or worse than the other.

The Gospels are the nearest things to explaining Jesus’ entire life on earth. But what is a gospel exactly? The original Greek word of gospel is evangelism which is now used to describe people spreading the gospel. So, in that sense, a gospel really means news. Why? Because the purpose of the Gospels is to spread the news of Jesus!! Why are there four gospels? As mentioned in the beginning, the Bible is God-inspired as in all are written by God through men’s own personal style. As in the Old Testament, the book of Kings and Chronicles are actually picturing the same things and events through different perspective. So, since the life of God’s own Son is very important, He wanted a very clear picture of everything happening. It’s like comparing a 2D movie and a 3D movie (in fact, the Gospels actually picture the life of Jesus in 4D because one of them explains more on the Spiritual world as well).

The concept of Who inspired these gospels must be clear as well. All the Bible is God-inspired. This means that God doesn’t dictate and the people just write it down but He gives them inspiration, in this case the life of Jesus, and the authors put that inspiration down on the paper with their own perspective. Therefore it created different themes.

Matthew and Luke – included far more about what Jesus SAID
Mark – what Jesus DID (actions, miracles, death, and resurrection)
John – WHO Jesus was i.e. Jesus’ identity (Son of God)

Through these themes, we now move to the writer’s insight and intention to help us more in determining how to study the Gospels. Insights:

Mark – the first and shortest Gospel, seeing Jesus as Son of Man
Luke – second gospel, seeing Jesus as Savior of the World
Matthew – third gospel, depicting Jesus as the King of the Jews
John – fourth gospel, with Jesus as the Son of God

Intentions (don’t assume if it’s for new, old believers, or unbelievers then it’s not for you to read!! This article is to help you in knowing the background):

Matthew – concerned for new believers and his book is arranged in a way that we will know how to live a disciples.
John – is written for older believers, encourage them to hold on to their faith in Jesus and to counteract the confusion between John the Baptist and Jesus.
Mark – to excite his readers with the news of Jesus so that they might have faith in Jesus.
Luke – the only Gentile (not Jews or Israelites) author in the Bible therefore more concerned about Gentiles believing in Jesus.

There are a few similarities in the Gospels especially the first three Matthew, Mark, and Luke. These three are called synoptic Gospels which means a common view of Jesus. John writes much more independently compared to the other three. These synoptic sometimes overlap but all is based on Mark which is the oldest and earliest gospels. Matthew and Luke expanded their writings based on Mark. This is also the reason why the forum is first filled in the Mark category to get the basic right. This is the basic introduction to all the Gospels and a more detailed one for each gospel will be added later on.

Vincent Najoan