Secret #1
Imagine You are 15 years old and you ride into an Army camp during a campaign of war. It would be exciting, to say the least.
David came into the army camp to visit his brothers and take them a package of "goodies" from their father. He was so proud of his brothers and the whole Army of God!
Just as he came into camp, the Giant came forward with his challenge.
"Send your best man. Winner take all!"
The Israeli soldiers had heard his challenge for 40 days, and were nearly deaf to the giant's ranting. They were paralyzed by fear, so they emotionally tuned him out.
However, on the 41st day, David heard his words!
David heard the challenge for the first time and was furious that anyone would challenge God in such a way.
I'm sure he was waiting for their army to charge the huge Philistine and his men. But the soldiers stood motionless. "Petrified" might be a better word!
They were in the Army of God, but they didn't trust God for victory!
David heard Goliath's challenge and said, "Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that challenges the Army of God."
This nation that enjoyed a covenant with Almighty God was being mocked by a non-covenant heathen ("uncircumcised").
What was different about David? Why was he so incensed -- and so certain he could defeat Goliath?
Let's use the word STONE as an acronym for 5 secrets that gave David his courage and faith.
These 5 secrets can transform us into Giant-Killing Heroes as well.
Are you ready to pick up the S.T.O.N.E.?
Before you roll your eyes, let me explain.
Unfortunately, the term SPIRITUAL is used today for anyone who thinks about non-earthly things.
Watching TV recently, I heard the term "spiritual" used to describe someone who consulted psychics and embraced the occult.
That's not what David understood as SPIRITUAL.
Being SPIRITUAL means that you have an intimate knowledge of and relationship with God Himself. Not know "a god" or a "guru" -- But the same God that created the universe.
Sometimes I'll look up at the sky at night and marvel at the expansive universe. And I'll say, "The God who created all that ... lives in my heart!" What an awesome thought.
God -- as huge as He is -- takes up residence in our hearts (our lives).
Getting back to our story ...
The only true and lasting victory comes when God fights and wins our battles for us. But how can God fight for us?
The most-used name for God in the Old Testament is, "The Lord of Hosts." That phrase describes God as the Commander-in-Chief of all the Warrior Angels in Heaven. He has all the power and resources in the universe at His disposal.
He is called "Almighty God" for a reason!
But how does that help you and me?
We all have a "spiritual zipper" (bear with me here). We have the ability to open up our spiritual hearts and let Almighty God inside. He only comes inside with our permission, though He often works "outside" to protect and watch over us.
Being SPIRITUAL simply means that we "unzip"and let God's Spirit take control of our lives.
When God is allowed on the "inside" of us, He can and will orchestrate our victory!
1 Samuel 16:13 says of David after his anointing, "And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him mightily from that day forward."
Being "spiritual" is not a "warm & fuzzy" term we use to describe our walk with God. It's allowing God to have control over our lives. When His Spirit controls our actions and attitudes, we are "spiritual."
Are you a SPIRITUAL person?
The Bible gives us many illustrations of men and women who conquered their "giants" one by one. The first characteristic was they were SPIRITUAL.
What "giant" do you face today?
Worry? Fear? Doubt? Debt? Addiction? Sickness? Bitterness?
If victory is to come for us, we must be SPIRITUAL men and women.
Has the "Spirit come upon you mightily"? Have you "unzipped" and asked God to live inside your life?
If not, ask Him to!
God desires our victory just as much as he desired victory on that battlefield 3000 years ago. In fact, God desires our victory even MORE than we do!
will be continued.......
Secret #1
Imagine You are 15 years old and you ride into an Army camp during a campaign of war. It would be exciting, to say the least.

Just as he came into camp, the Giant came forward with his challenge.
"Send your best man. Winner take all!"
The Israeli soldiers had heard his challenge for 40 days, and were nearly deaf to the giant's ranting. They were paralyzed by fear, so they emotionally tuned him out.
However, on the 41st day, David heard his words!
David heard the challenge for the first time and was furious that anyone would challenge God in such a way.
I'm sure he was waiting for their army to charge the huge Philistine and his men. But the soldiers stood motionless. "Petrified" might be a better word!
They were in the Army of God, but they didn't trust God for victory!

David heard Goliath's challenge and said, "Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that challenges the Army of God."
This nation that enjoyed a covenant with Almighty God was being mocked by a non-covenant heathen ("uncircumcised").
What was different about David? Why was he so incensed -- and so certain he could defeat Goliath?
Let's use the word STONE as an acronym for 5 secrets that gave David his courage and faith.
These 5 secrets can transform us into Giant-Killing Heroes as well.
Are you ready to pick up the S.T.O.N.E.?

Before you roll your eyes, let me explain.
Unfortunately, the term SPIRITUAL is used today for anyone who thinks about non-earthly things.
Watching TV recently, I heard the term "spiritual" used to describe someone who consulted psychics and embraced the occult.
That's not what David understood as SPIRITUAL.
Being SPIRITUAL means that you have an intimate knowledge of and relationship with God Himself. Not know "a god" or a "guru" -- But the same God that created the universe.
Sometimes I'll look up at the sky at night and marvel at the expansive universe. And I'll say, "The God who created all that ... lives in my heart!" What an awesome thought.
God -- as huge as He is -- takes up residence in our hearts (our lives).
Getting back to our story ...
The only true and lasting victory comes when God fights and wins our battles for us. But how can God fight for us?
The most-used name for God in the Old Testament is, "The Lord of Hosts." That phrase describes God as the Commander-in-Chief of all the Warrior Angels in Heaven. He has all the power and resources in the universe at His disposal.
He is called "Almighty God" for a reason!
But how does that help you and me?
We all have a "spiritual zipper" (bear with me here). We have the ability to open up our spiritual hearts and let Almighty God inside. He only comes inside with our permission, though He often works "outside" to protect and watch over us.
Being SPIRITUAL simply means that we "unzip"and let God's Spirit take control of our lives.
When God is allowed on the "inside" of us, He can and will orchestrate our victory!
1 Samuel 16:13 says of David after his anointing, "And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him mightily from that day forward."
Being "spiritual" is not a "warm & fuzzy" term we use to describe our walk with God. It's allowing God to have control over our lives. When His Spirit controls our actions and attitudes, we are "spiritual."
Are you a SPIRITUAL person?
The Bible gives us many illustrations of men and women who conquered their "giants" one by one. The first characteristic was they were SPIRITUAL.
What "giant" do you face today?
Worry? Fear? Doubt? Debt? Addiction? Sickness? Bitterness?
If victory is to come for us, we must be SPIRITUAL men and women.
Has the "Spirit come upon you mightily"? Have you "unzipped" and asked God to live inside your life?
If not, ask Him to!
God desires our victory just as much as he desired victory on that battlefield 3000 years ago. In fact, God desires our victory even MORE than we do!
will be continued.......
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