a) Defect -- Go over and join the enemy's side
b) Desert -- Leave the battle and run away
c) Detentes -- Compromise with the enemy over a bargaining table
d) Defend -- Stand their ground only, with no offensive "push" forward
e) Defeat -- Use both offensive and defensive tactics and strategies to overwhelm and overcome the enemy.

God is raising up an ARMY!
It's not a group of followers who will DESERT when times are bad. Or DEFECT and become a tool of the Enemy. He certainly doesn't want to compromise in some sort of DETENTE. Unfortunately, most Christians merely "hold their ground" and DEFEND what they already have.
Jesus taught us to DEFEAT the Enemy. "The gates of Hell will not prevail (be able to hold back) the church." We are to move forward and take the fight to the Enemy.
1 Samuel 17 introduces us to the Army of God in the Old Testament. The Army of God stood against one of their greatest foes -- The Philistines! And frankly, they were not sure which of the above "options" they wanted to exercise.
There was one Giant Obstacle standing in the way of their victory -- Goliath!
Historical Background
Saul had been chosen as King over Israel - against the wishes of Samuel, Rather than being ruled by God, Israel wanted to be ruled by an earthly King - someone they could see, hear and touch.
God picked Saul as Israel's first King. Saul was about 6 feet 6 inches tall - much taller than anyone else - and was the obvious choice for King!
Proud of their new King, Israel followed Saul into battle against the Philistines. But the enemy had a "weapon of mass destruction" - Goliath.
For 40 days, morning and evening, Goliath came out to challenge the army of God. Goliath taunted them, "Send out a man - your best warrior! We will fight to the death. Winner take all. If your man wins, we will become your slaves. If I win, you will become our slaves."
Fair enough, right? Not really. Goliath was nearly 10 feet tall and had armor weighing hundreds of pounds. He was a huge "fighting machine" - a warrior from his youth! He had NEVER LOST A BATTLE, and he wasn't about to start now.
Israel's soldiers turned to Saul. After all, he was their biggest and best warrior. He was the logical choice to battle the giant.
But Saul had no intention of fighting Goliath. 40 days, twice a day - The challenge came forth from Goliath. "Winner take all!" 40 days, twice a day - the army of Israel suited up in their armor and ran to the battle line to listen to the challenge. (40 days x 2 = 80 Times!)

I wonder how closely we resemble that army today? We suit up weekly, and go to church. We sing the battle songs. We shout to the enemy, "We're gonna get you, Devil!"
BUT we never really intend to engage the enemy at all. 3000 years separate us, but we're not so different from Israel's army.We all face GIANTS ... every day!
There are MENTAL Giants -- Fears, self-doubt, insecurities...There are EMOTIONAL Giants -- Worry, anger, depression... There are SPIRITUAL Giants -- Unbelief, doubt, misunderstanding the Word ...There are PHYSICAL Giants -- Sickness, injury, handicaps ...Need we go on?
Here's a great TRUTH There is usually one major issue in our lives -- one BIG GIANT that looms in our path. The truth is, if we can defeat the one, BIG Giant, the lesser "soldiers of Hell" will fall away as well.
That is exactly what happened in our story. It is a perfect picture of today's battle.
Every day, the enemy rears up on his hind legs and shouts a challenge to us! "Winner take all! Give me your best shot!"
Jesus said, "The Thief (satan), comes (continually, daily), only (for no other purpose but) to kill, steal and destroy (every believer, Jesus' sheep)." But, Jesus announced that He came to give us LIFE and a life that is abundant.
How do you answer the Enemy's challenge Friends?
David's father asked him to go to his brothers and take them a 'care package' from home. They were "brave soldiers" in the army of Israel, and were encamped near the enemy.
For 40 days, Goliath mocked and challenged God's people - and no one did anything to stop him. For 40 days, God's people were silent...
David came into the army camp as the giant issued his 81st challenge...
A BIG Change is coming!
We all know that David used a sling and a stone to topple the too-tall giant.
We'll use the acronym - S.T.O.N.E. -- to discover the qualities David had, and that we can have to bring our "giants" to their knees.
will be continue......
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