Secret #3
a) Those who have SOMETHING TO SAY
b) Those who have to SAY SOMETHING
We're spelling the word STONE as an acronym to learn how to defeat the Giants in our path: Giants of FEAR, DOUBT, DEPRESSION, POVERTY, SICKNESS, BITTERNESS, ANGER, OBESITY ... you name the problem, and it can become a Giant in our lives!
So far, we've looked at two secrets:
Giant-Killing Secret #1
S = Spiritual
S = Spiritual
What an incredible thought: The God of Heaven has made it possible for Him to take up residence inside us! When we "unzip" and let Jesus Christ live inside us, all of the Giant-Killing resources of Heaven are at our disposal.
That's part of what a "covenant" is -- God is saying to us, and we are saying to Him -- "Your friends are now MY friends, and your enemies are now MY enemies!"
Don't overlook Secret #1 -- "The Holy Spirit came upon David mightily from that day forward." (1 Samuel 16:13)
Giant-Killing Secret #2
T = Trusting
T = Trusting
David's TRUST (or faith) had been built up over the years. He was faithful in the small things so when a BIG thing came at him, he was ready.
David killed the lion and the bear when they attacked his father's sheep. Now, when a Giant attacked his Heavenly Father's Sheep (Israel), he was ready. His TRUST-LEVEL had been raised to Giant proportions!
Don't forget this principle -- After the LARGE problem falls, then the LESSER problems will fall much more easily. If Goliath was defeated, then every (normal-sized) Philistine would be defeated as well.
Giant-Killing Secret #3
O = Outspoken
When David drew near, all he could hear
Was the Giant calling him to fight.
"Give me your best, I'll put him to the test,"
He called to them day and night.
David said, "Who is this man that he should stand and defy the army of the Living God?
Just give me a STONE, I'll give the birds his bones," And as he ran forward, he cried --
"Is there not a cause, is there not a fight,
Is there not a battle to win?
Is there not a plan, or should we not stand
And bring the victory home to Him?
Is there not a cause?"
The message is clear, if you listen, you'll hear the same old challenge today.
We've got to choose, do we win, do we lose?
Either way, there's a price to be paid.
We must take the land placed within our hands;
There's a great cloud of witnesses cheering us on!
We don't stand alone, so let's choose our STONE, Proclaiming as our battle cry --
"Is there not a cause, is there not a fight,
Is there not a battle to win?
Is there not a plan, or should we not stand
And bring the victory home to Him?Is there not a cause?"
David was OUTSPOKEN about his victory! He TRUSTED God for victory, and he spoke those words of faith to anyone who would listen.
1 Samuel 17
1 Samuel 17
He was OUTSPOKEN to those standing near him. David said, "What will be done for the one who kills this Philistine and takes this reproach away from Israel. For who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should taunt the armies of the Living God?" (v 26, 30)
He was OUTSPOKEN to his brothers. (Often the hardest persons for us to be OUTSPOKEN with and to share our pre-victory comments with are our own families.) His brothers said, "Who do you think you are ... boasting like that?" David said, "Is there not a cause?" (v 28-30 KJV)
David was OUTSPOKEN to King Saul. He said, "Let no man's heart be fearful on account of Goliath; For your servant will go and fight and win!" When Saul questioned his ability, David was OUTSPOKEN again. "The Lord who delivered the lion and the bear into my hands WILL DELIVER this Giant as well." (v 31-37)
He was even OUTSPOKEN to Goliath! Later, as David drew near, he boldly proclaimed, "You come to me with a spear and sword, but I come to you in the name of the God whose army you've taunted." (v 45)
Then he delivered the (literal) punch-line to Goliath -- "This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands. I will strike you down. I will remove your head from your shoulders. And I will give the dead bodies of you and your army to the birds of the air." (v 46)
We all have a "FAITH-DETECTOR." What I mean is that there is a way to KNOW for certain whether we really are TRUSTING God for victory.
It's a simple test: What comes out of your mouth?
You see, we cannot TRUST God and have OUTSPOKEN DOUBT coming from our lips! We can't have FAITH for victory and verbalize doubt.
Jesus said, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." The book of Proverbs is filled with wise-warnings about our words.
He was OUTSPOKEN to his brothers. (Often the hardest persons for us to be OUTSPOKEN with and to share our pre-victory comments with are our own families.) His brothers said, "Who do you think you are ... boasting like that?" David said, "Is there not a cause?" (v 28-30 KJV)

He was even OUTSPOKEN to Goliath! Later, as David drew near, he boldly proclaimed, "You come to me with a spear and sword, but I come to you in the name of the God whose army you've taunted." (v 45)
Then he delivered the (literal) punch-line to Goliath -- "This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands. I will strike you down. I will remove your head from your shoulders. And I will give the dead bodies of you and your army to the birds of the air." (v 46)
We all have a "FAITH-DETECTOR." What I mean is that there is a way to KNOW for certain whether we really are TRUSTING God for victory.
It's a simple test: What comes out of your mouth?
You see, we cannot TRUST God and have OUTSPOKEN DOUBT coming from our lips! We can't have FAITH for victory and verbalize doubt.
Jesus said, "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks." The book of Proverbs is filled with wise-warnings about our words.
We'll never win if we are OUTSPOKEN saying,
It's really bad.It couldn't be worse.
Nothing can help me now.
I'll never get over this.
I could never forgive _______.
I'll never get out of debt.
I'm just worthless.
It's like the song we heard years ago:
Gloom, despair and agony on me,
Deep dark depression, excessive misery;
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.
Gloom despair and agony on me.
Sure, it's funny, but it's true. Too many of us feel that way. Rather than standing firm in the Lord and boldly proclaiming victory, we are too often OUTSPOKEN about our defeat!
BUT understand this -- the reason we're talking failure is because we are BELIEVING failure!
I'm not talking about "NAME IT, AND CLAIM IT." Or, "BLAB IT, AND GRAB IT" (as some put it). I'm referring to what Jesus and Paul said. We believe with our heart. And what fills our heart, will fill our mouth! We WILL be OUTSPOKEN about what we believe...good or bad.
Listen again to David's words, "The Lord WILL deliver me...I WILL defeat...I WILL take your head off..."
There is NO DOUBT that there was NO DOUBT in David's heart!
He was OUTSPOKEN about his victory. What words are you speaking? Many of us don't even realize that our words betray our heart. We say, "I've got the Victory," but turn right around and say, "Woe is me."
In reality, we THINK victory, but BELIEVE failure. The Apostle Paul said, "With the HEART

Two quick lessons :
a) We WILL speak what fills our heart (faith or fear)
b) We MUST speak when faith fills our heart.
If David had kept quiet, he never would have been brought before King Saul and never would have stood before the Giant.
You can't keep a good man/woman down, and you can't keep a TRUSTING man/woman quiet!
We can take it a step further. Jesus also said, "According to your faith be it unto you." What we BELIEVE will happen ... WILL happen.
How do we know WHAT we believe?
Our words are the FAITH-DETECTOR.
When we honestly listen to our own words, we will hear our own heart. It's that simple
will be continued.......
When we honestly listen to our own words, we will hear our own heart. It's that simple
will be continued.......
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