Wednesday, May 11, 2011



Secret #5

Have you brought any Giants down yet?

Maybe you're just stalking your Giant in anticipation of the battle?

Well, get ready ... your Giant is coming down!

We've suited up with God's power on the inside of us. We "unzipped" and let the awesome power of Heaven invade our personal lives. We've let God take control of our hearts and minds.

We've allowed God's Spirit and power to fit us for battle.

We've realized that trusting our own abilities and talents will NEVER result in a defeated Giant.

We've learned that TRUST in God is built layer upon layer, step by step. David started with "baby steps." He killed the lion, then the bear. Only then was he ready for Goliath.

David could not hold inside what he knew would happen. Neither can we. Our mouths WILL speak whatever fills our hearts (good or bad; faith or failure). We WILL communicate what we believe!

Have you found a faith-filled friend you can share your future victory with?

David would not use Saul's armor because it was not his NATURAL way of fighting. He would lose dressed up in someone else's armor. We will, too!

God has a battle-plan for each of us. It may be completely unique to our situation. If we sit before Him and learn, He'll show us His strategy for our Giant!

Has He revealed His strategy to you yet?

Now for the final "Secret"

David was not shy about his victory. We've seen that in his announcement to his brother, to the army, to Saul, and even to Goliath. He never stopped repeating ... "I am going to win!"

So it makes sense that, when he approached the Giant for close combat, he would be EXCITED about his imminent victory!

He was much more than "optimistic" about winning. He was EXCITED -- Not giddy or silly - EXCITED! David knew there was danger ahead. But he also knew WHO would protect him and WHO would give the Giant into his hands.

David "approached the Giant" (1 Samuel 17:40 filled with faith and EXCITEment. Actually "excitement" is part of "faith."

Faith anticipates as FACT what has not yet happened. (Example: If you knew for a FACT that you would be a millionaire next week, would you be excited today?)

David has already made his announcement to Goliath that he would soon be bird-food (1 Samuel 17:45-46). He was thrilled at what God was about to do.

Then David reveals WHY he was so excited.

Was it because he would be a national hero? He was, you know.

Was it because Saul's daughter would become his wife, making him part of the "royal family?" It happened, you know.

No .... David was EXCITED at the results his victory would bring :

RESULT # 1 - "The whole earth will know that there is a God in Israel" (1 Sam 17:46c)

If the "world" was looking at Israel, there was no way they could see God at work in them.

Israel wanted to be "just like the other nations," so they chose an earthly King, Saul. (1 Sam. 8:5)

The Israelite army suited up for battle, but were afraid to attack the enemy. (1 Sam. 17:20-21)

In Bible days, it was very simple -- the "god" who was the strongest was the "god" who WON the battle. "If you win, your god is better than my god. If you lose, my god is better than your god." Do you get the picture?

David was excited -- he was about to SHOW THE WORLD whose God was the strongest!

RESULT # 2 - "...and that this assembly may know" (v 47)

Now this is sad. Not only did the "world" not know that "there was a God in Israel" - Israel didn't even know it!
The Army of Israel had no idea that God was leading them into battle to WIN. There was no faith. There was no excitement ... until a young, humble shepherd boy came along with a heart full of God!

RESULT # 3 - "(Israel would know) ...that the battle is the Lord's" (v 47)

David knew it wasn't his skill that would accomplish this great victory. It wasn't his military polish and ability. It was "the Lord" who would bring about his triumph.

If you don't understand this, read again the different methods God used to defeat Israel's foes in various battles she fought. (see Giant-Killing Secret # 4)

It's God who fought for David, and it's God who fights for us - when we get out of the way and let Him.

It's amazing how an Old Testament story can paint such a modern picture. (Actually, the Bible tells us the Old Testament was written, in part, as examples for us and for our instruction.-- 1 Corinthians 10:6, 11)

Does "the world" know that there is a God in the church today? Or do they see the same sort of stuff that goes on in any other "organization?"

Do we know there is a "God" in the church? (The word "assembly" in v 47 can be interpreted "church") Do we actively seek and use His abilities to overcome the evil one - and the Giants he sends our way?

If not, there's no wonder we're not EXCITED!

When we pass from this life and stand on the other side, we'll be amazed at the Heavenly resources that were available but unused by us.

That can change ... for us today.

The awesome power of God sits in a Heavenly storage room -- waiting for someone who will reach through the invisible portal (through prayer) and grab hold of God's promises through faith!

Are you EXCITED yet?
The End


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